Essential Macrobiotic Recipes
Edited by Jane Quincannon-Stanchich and Sean DiMaria
Don’t know how to boil water? It’s never too late to learn. If you can read, you can cook! Develop a commitment to learning how to cook healthy, balanced meals with my guidelines. Preparing whole, natural foods may be a stretch for your culinary skills and your imagination, so be adventurous and give them a try! Never boiled brown rice or mixed millet? Never tasted tofu or diced daikon? You have a world of flavors and fun ahead. With a bit of planning, you can organize and prepare quite a tasty feast.
Cooking is a high art. It is the art of creating life. As with any skill, every time you prepare a recipe, it will become easier and easier. If you desire help in the kitchen, enlist the support of your family and friends. Gather your friends together and for a cooking evening or potluck. Relax as you plan, prepare and cook your food, as our mood affects the taste and energy of our meals. Breathe deeply as you cook to re-charge yourself and revitalize your food. Whole foods are delicious, colorful, and satisfying. Cooking them gives us greater health, longevity, and enjoyment for a lifetime.
Pesticides and chemical additives weaken the kidneys and bladder and decrease the nutritional quality of foods. Organically grown food has been shown to have significantly higher amounts of vitamins and minerals as compared to conventionally grown food. Therefore, it is recommended that your diet consist of organically grown whole foods to help heal your entire body. Buying organic is worth it, especially in nutritional benefits and long-term healthcare savings. You are worth it. If organic produce is not available in your area, speak to your grocery store produce manager, local farmers, or, “Eureka!” grow your own! You may discover that organic gardening is an outdoor pleasure and activity for your whole family and neighbors.
Choosing organic food is choosing to preserve life on Earth, including your own! In the cycle of life, each of our actions affects other people as well as our Earth’s air, water, and vegetation. When chemicals and pesticides are sprayed on our gardens and farms, these toxic substances flow into the rivers and oceans, endangering all species of wildlife. Chemical pesticides kill beneficial insects, resulting in an imbalance of Nature and diminished bird population. It is a facility that pesticides produce a substantially greater crop yield- studies show they do not. Furthermore, the foods on which pesticides are sprayed become carcinogenic for humans and animals. Buying organic is an investment in the future of your family, your community, and our Mother Earth.